Wow! Two posts in one day. That's a record. I really wanted to share this poem. I wrote this in the same workshop as the last one. Once again, excuse the darkness.
I want to remember
when shame
was only in stories.
I want to remember
a time
when pain
meant only losing a crayon.
I want to forget
when shame
ripped apart your heart
and shattered your reflection,
I want to forget
a time
when pain
meant only a sharp stinging line.
I want to remember
when friendship was easy.
Hello meant hello.
And goodbye meant tomorrow.
I want to remember
a moment when
all joy was real.
Always alive,
but never dead.
I want to forget
when friendship was hell.
Loves was an enemy.
A word ends a life.
I want to forget
a moment when
smiles were a mask.
A cover to hide.
I want to remember.
I want to forget.
But no on will ever
fix the scars on a wrist.
Again: very good, very well written, INCREDIBLY FUCKING DARK. (No offense intended, just pointing it out)